"Around the world, the cost of healthcare coverage is a major concern, with 52% of consumers globally finding the price unaffordable," says Chris DeAngelis, SSI's Vice President, Strategic Initiatives. "Even in Germany, which has the highest levels of overall satisfaction, almost two-fifths of consumers are struggling with coverage costs. The issue is actually worsening, as SSI research also shows the majority of consumers globally believe their healthcare costs are continuing to increase - and only 4% report they've experienced any decrease."
SSI's findings are based on a study of 4,000+ adults on its online panels. Countries covered include the US, UK, Germany, France, Japan, Australia, China and Singapore. SSI offers extensive worldwide reach to support survey research through SSI Dynamix™, its dynamic sampling platform that links to its own online panels, as well as online communities, affiliate partnerships, social media and more.
Healthcare Costs Continue to Rise, with France Showing the Greatest Increases - and Governments and Pharma Companies Most Often Cited as Responsible
In every country studied, except Japan, the majority of respondents report seeing healthcare costs rise over the last year. France shows the most dramatic increases, with 88% of consumers saying that healthcare costs have gone up in the past 12 months. A significant portion of Singaporeans (70%) also say they've experienced healthcare cost increases, as do 65% of Germans, 62% of Chinese, 61% of Australians and 55% of Americans.
In all countries but Germany, respondents view the government as the prime culprit in driving up healthcare costs. The percentage of consumers blaming their governments is particularly high in Japan (50%), Australia (47%), France (46%) and China (43%). In the US and Singapore, about a third of consumers point the finger at their governments.
In Germany, consumers name pharmaceutical companies as most culpable for rising costs, with 46% of respondents saying drug manufacturers are responsible for the rise in healthcare expenses. The US (22%), France (22%) and Singapore (21%) also have a significant number of respondents putting the blame on pharmaceutical companies.